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Digitalized online books for Puerto Rico provided by FamilySearch have made locating information about your ancestors more possible. Having these books digitalized is so essential for the researcher.

Finding these out-of-print books is difficult unless you can get to the library and request a copy. But now you can review these books in the comfort of your home and on your own time. There is no need to be in a rush to return them. Although I miss my visits to the library, I don’t go as much as I used to. When I did visit my local library, they did not have these books available. So having these “Digitalized Books for Puerto Rico” readily available on your computer is convenient. Also, think about it; it won’t occupy your bookshelf space.

If any comes across any books they find on FamilySearch that you feel should be listed here, please let me know as long as they are in the public domain and do not infringe on copyright laws.

I plan to add more content to this section as I find more online books. So please visit frequently and subscribe to my website to get those updates. Go to my homepage and scroll to the section “Subscribe to HDCPR via Email.”

Digitalized Online Books available

Dr. Cifre de Loubriel was born in Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico. Estela Cifre de Loubriel was the daughter of Antonio Cifre Albertie (Mallorca, Spain) and Amanda Amill Negroni (Yauco, Puerto Rico).

Dr. Cifre de Loubriel received a B.A. from the University of Puerto Rico in 1944, a master’s degree in Political Science with a concentration in History from Columbia University in 1950, and a doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Madrid in 1958. She was a professor of history at the University of Puerto Rico and wrote several formative books on the genealogy of the people that immigrated to Puerto Rico from Spain.

Books include the following written by Dr. Cifre de Loubriel:

  • La Formación del Pueblo Puertorriqueño: la contribución de los Gallegos, Asturianos y Santanderinos
  • La Formación del Pueblo Puertorriqueño: la contribución de los Isleño-Canarios
  • La Formación del Pueblo Puertorriqueño: la contribución de los Catalanes, Balearicos y Valencianos
  • La Formación del Pueblo Puertorriqueño. La contribución de los Vascongados, Navarros y Aragoneses
  • Catálogo de extranjeros residents en Puerto Ricon en el Siglo XIX
Book TitleAuthorImage numberTranscribed
La inmigración a Puerto Rico durante el siglo XIXEstela Cifre de Loubriel5PDF
Catalogo de Extranjeros Residentes en Puerto Rico en El Siglo XIXEstela Cifre de Loubriel527
Historia de Mayagüez (1760-1960)Mayaguez Historical Committee 317

Sources for Digital Books for Puerto Rico

  • FamilySearch Film # 007939655
  • Related post-Hidden Gems.
  • Thank you to Carol Dunkleberger for informing me of these links.
  • Thank you to Yvonne Santana Ríos for her Index of the book “La Inmigración a Puerto Rico Durante el Siglo XIX.”

3 thoughts on “Digitalized Books for Puerto Rico

  1. Great site gracias! Do you know if there is any way to access digitized records from Vega Alta before 1885? Also if San Juan archives holds copies from Vega Alta? Can one can make an appointment to view the records?

    • Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, church records for Vega Alta before 1885 are not accessible online. If you’re seeking specific records, you’ll need to identify the individuals you’re looking for and reach out to the church in Vega Alta directly. Request a copy of the record you need from the church. They won’t conduct investigations, but they will contact the Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Genealogía (SPG) on your behalf to try and locate the record. If successful, the SPG will send a copy to the church. However, you’ll be responsible for paying the official record fee charged by the church. I hope this information proves helpful.

  2. Emocionada tener acceso a esto tesoros informativos. GRACIAS

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