Donations Accepted; I hope that this site has assisted you in finding your ancestors. This is a labor of love to put this site together. I have spent many hours in the last couple of years locating records and providing them on one website. This is to enable you to discover information about your ancestors.
I do this out of my love for genealogy and to honor my forgotten ancestors. But as we all know, not everything is free in this world. There is a cost associated with keeping this site live. For example, I am purchasing a web host and security sites to prevent spam and brute force attacks, as I experienced previously. In addition, hackers took down my website out of pure spite, jealousy, and to be malicious. There is also a cost to back up and store the content and other amounts that start to add up.
As I am retired and on a fixed income, I find it difficult to pay the fees when they come up. It is a struggle, but my passion for what I do and what I want to share with all of you keeps me going. I like this site to prosper and reach many more who may not have discovered my site. In addition to making it available to future generations of researchers.
I would be forever grateful if you would like to donate to keep this site alive. Thank you so much, and I promise this site will only improve; in addition, I will continue to discover what is out there and share it with all of you. Thank You, HDCPR
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Donations Accepted
If you have a smartphone, you can scan the code below. If you prefer to donate another way, you may email me at, and I can provide other payment methods. All donations will be set aside to pay for the fees to keep this site going, and I will give a detailed statement to those who request it.