My website came about because I wanted to research my Puerto Rican Ancestry.
Puerto Rico Genealogy (Hijos de Coamo, Puerto Rico) contains Catholic Church Records from 1645 through 1969. These Catholic Church records created by parishes in Puerto Rico include baptisms, confirmations, parish censuses, marriages, deaths, and indexes. This website is designed for novice and advanced researchers to assist you in locating your ancestors’ records and history. In addition, it includes transcriptions donated by volunteers and personal research of individuals from Puerto Rico.
Our padres are the unsung heroes of every person who has done anything significant in their lives. Thank you for giving me life. I honor you and our ancestors. To my siblings, adopted siblings, Step-Parents, extended family, and friends, a part of me lives with you as a part of you lives within me. We all share the same blood as our ancestors. We are who we are because of them. Finally, I would not be the man I am without all of you. Thank you for supporting me on this journey, lending me an ear when I discovered our ancestors, and spending hours sharing my findings and explaining what a 3rd cousin 6x removed is—a Special Dedication to my Father, who passed away on April 6, 2022. Genealogy brought us closer together.

Why I Research My Ancestors
I go by Hijos de Coamo Puerto Rico (HDCPR) and have researched and focused on our Puerto Rican Genealogy for over 25 years. Recently, I have decided to document my findings in these articles and make them available to the public.
I am passionate about researching and having a paper trail to document our findings on our Puerto Rican genealogy. The goal is to ensure that sourcing family members includes documentation for the right family. However, over the years, I have noticed many public trees online with incorrect information or not sourced at all. It is the reason for this website.
Being true to me, Hijos de Coamo, Puerto Rico, I have assisted all by correcting many false trees, providing factual documented information, and making it publicly known. Cleaning up these erroneous trees lets everyone know who they descend from and allows them to leave behind a corrected tree for future generations.
My research under Hijos de Coamo, PR, relies on instincts and experiences. This approach has permitted me to remove obstacles and break down brick walls that many have experienced.
I will continue to add content about our Puerto Rican genealogy, ancestors, and other families. When available, this will include thoroughly researched documentation for each of the towns in Puerto Rico where they resided.
Stay tuned for further articles to share my experiences and the information I have gathered. Again, thank you for passing by, and please feel free to reach out if you need assistance with your research. Don’t forget to follow me so you can stay updated on all my upcoming posts. I appreciate your support.
My main focus and research are on the following towns, which has allowed me to advance my Puerto Rican Genealogy.
- Valle de Coamo
- Orocovis is formerly known as Barros
- Aybonito, as it was spelled in the 1700s, today Aibonito
- Cayey
- Barranquitas
Hijos de Coamo Puerto Rico Affiliations
- Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Genealogía (SPG), Member, 2010 – present
- Board member, SPG 2020 – present
- Editor of the Carta Circular, 2020 – present
- Communication Committee, 2021-present
- Internet Team-Visual Art Design, 2020-present
- Socio Committee-2023-present
- TAINO DNA & Genealogy, Director of Genealogy, 2020-2022
DNA Testing sites I have utilized
- Ancestry
- 23andme
- FTDNA-Big Y (Haplo Group Q-M3) (Maternal Haplo Group D-1)
- YFull
- Gedmatch (A068187)
- Click on the button, and it will take you to my extended results.
Surnames and towns I have researched extensively:
Aponte, Alvarado, Cartagena, Santiago, Melendez, Bracero, Miranda, de la Cruz, del Rosario, Reyes, Molina, Barreto, Arroyo, Rivera, Marcial, Torres, Torres, Rolon, Gonzales, and Bonilla.
Towns I have researched extensively are Aibonito, Adjuntas, Arecibo, Barranquitas, Cayey, Coamo, Juana Diaz, Manati, Mayaguez, Narranjito, Orocovis (Barros), Ponce, San Germán, Vega Alta, Toa Alta, and Yauco. You can go to this page, which will take you to the Church Index page, where you can begin to review records for these towns: Church Record Index.
Before contacting Hijos de Coamo Puerto Rico (HDCPR)
When you contact me, please provide details about a specific person. For example, if you are asking about a relative or need help researching one, please give enough information—for example, the full name of your ancestor. In addition, the year range, their hometown, parents’ and grandparents’ names. The more information you provide, the better. I have extensive research skills and find ancestors for people who have no idea where they may originate. It comes naturally to me; I’ve successfully broken brick walls for many.
I am willing to help anyone who asks. Feel free to contact me to personally research your line. Private message me for details.

Thank you so much for taking the time out to share such wonderful history and now “becoming part of our family,” 😉 The work you did and continue to do for us is amazing and we appreciate it more than you know. We look forward to hearing and seeing more.
Soy de apellido BRACERO es un apellido raro se que mi abuelo me decía que todos los De este apellido somos familia de sangre europea quisiera saber si todos venimos del mismo árbol los de este apellido Gracias
I am looking to hire a researcher to research my family roots from Puerto Rico. Both my parents emigrated from there and met and married in NYC. Can you help?
Saludos, send me an email via the link. Send me your number and best time to call and we can set up a free consultation. Thank you